Friday, October 25

In a number of books, blogs, and movies Millennials have been characterized in a number of ways, however in almost all of them the one feature that remains is the word lazy. As a Millennial I take exception to this, but then I start to think about it a bit more, and I don't think that the term is always negative, but rather we are being lazy due to our choosing an incomplete term. Most Millennials are lazy by their grandparents standards mainly because most of us have grown up in cities or suburbs where we had no need to travel more than a mile to get anything we needed. (We also never had to do a ton of farm or yard work.)

Now at this point you are probably wondering where I am going with this...isn't this a spa blog? Why Yes, yes it is. Millennials are currently parents, and in the years of their life where they can grow the most professionally. Due to student loans, mortgages and smallish children running around we like to do things in the simplest and most environmentally safe way possible. We love the prices and convenience of Amazon Prime it is cheap, fast and I saved on fossil fuels because I never had to leave my house. Genius! On top of that I can spend the time I saved by reading a blog, signing a petition, or pinning some great meal ideas to my Pinterest board. I would call that anything but lazy. 

However this does present a problem when it comes to our skin care health, most Millennials will believe way too much of what they read online and in magazine isles. We love discovering new products, especially new organic products- that we can share via our social networks. We order online or go to our local Sephora, Ulta, or Lush to pick it and then it is always a hit or miss after a week or two. Instead of wasteing our time in this fashion it would serve us better if we instead went to someone like Daiva or Catherine at Radiance Spa and received a consultation about our skin, where someone with a license instead of a sales pitch lets us know how to best take care of our skin. 

Or instead of going to see your doctor about stress related symptoms you can do alternative therapy and schedule massages at regular intervals. Most of our therapists don't really want to sell you something, but they do want you to continue to see them as they have studied the benefits of their trade. So many of the countries around the world use massage, saunas, and yoga/meditation instead of doctors to relieve themselves of their stress and that is definitely something we lack here in America. 

I understand the costs related to spa and complimentary care can be above our income levels (especially those paying rent and student loans) but it is an investment in ourselves for the future. I would challenge those who go out with friends a couple times a week or those who eat out more than they stay in- instead of getting Starbucks everyday cut that in half and save the money for a monthly treatment, your muscles and skin will thank you for it. 

Talk to you later!



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